May 27Liked by Sandra Stephens

Chickens in the house, I’m sold. Gosh I love chickens. And we’ve been considering buying a derelict place in Portugal, so stumbling upon your Substack seems serendipitous! 😆

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Oooooh, hello friend of derelict properties! I don't know if you've read much of the archive yet but we have been very lucky in the two workers who've been working with us since August. They are related, multi-talented, and they live less than a half mile away, so it's working out well for all of us. Not everyone is so lucky in the trabalhadores department.

and chickens are absolutely awesome - I really love my flock, they have persevered through a lot, and I want to offer then a posh rest of their lives.

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May 28Liked by Sandra Stephens

I will have to go back and read the archives! (The recent changes in tax laws have us thinking again, but you never know.) Say hi to your chickens for me! 😆

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May 26Liked by Sandra Stephens

Yes, the little jumping beans are quick. The booties exaggerate the movements on that chick, like a miniature clown. She is the tiniest chick, and the last to emerge from her shell.

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May 26Liked by Sandra Stephens

Most of us are so astonished at the magnitude of your project combined with your valiant attitude, words fail us!

But I hope you can feel us silently applauding and rooting for you, denoted by our “likes.”

Please keep on writing your story. You can make every day life so wonderful. We just inherited 9 five day old chicks to add to our small flock. Making do with an old laundry tub until we can cobble together better accommodations. Those agile little rascals are already attempting to break out! My daughter made little surgical tape “booties” to straighten the crooked toes on one. It works like a charm!

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Your daughter is a queen!

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It’s amazing how fast they can go on those dinosaur feet, isn’t it?!

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May 26Liked by Sandra Stephens

This is an incredibly inspiring post, especially as we’re embarking on a similar journey (with children and pets). We’ve been shying away from the rundown mansion route despite the romantic notions, but you’re making the process seem not-so-bad!

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There are parts that are tough, for sure…. if you are the adventurous type it’s doable. If you love order, not so much…

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May 26Liked by Sandra Stephens

Adventurous, maybe. Seat-of-our-pants, definitely.

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May 26Liked by Sandra Stephens

You're doing amazing work. The restoration, the writing about the restoration... all of it. Thank you for allowing us along for the ride.

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Thank you, I really appreciate you saying this. I need encouragement more than I like to admit

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Wow…. What an amazing change/challenge in life you’ve chosen! I love the details here…and how positive and joyfully you handle it all! Language lessons, learners permit, house projects one step at a time! This reads like a TV series’s/movie! Happy to find you here in Substack! I’ve great admiration and respect for you both! Bravo and cheers; much love as you soldier on! 🥰❤️🫶🎉

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Jun 1Liked by Sandra Stephens

Unbelievable project you've got! I love chucks in the house!

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What a challenge, and so much fun to read this. Last February, I started renovating a 105-year old house on a Dutch island and I can relate to your experiences (minus the chicken poop in the house, we keep them behind a fence).

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always nice to know that we are not alone in this undertaking....

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